The life expectancy is 2-3 years lower in rural areas because of the poor provision of medical assistance (in general, just one family doctor per commune or even two TAUs with 1,000-2,000 patients and poorly equipped surgeries). The interest of young medical graduates for family medicine in such areas remains very low.
Most of the public medical infrastructure within the county and even regional coverage is located in Cluj. The different clinics of the Cluj Emergency County Hospital are located in old buildings, dispersed all over the city, making difficult the mobility of patients and doctors. Some of the specialized county hospitals, such as the pediatric one or the maternity, also lack proper buildings.
Most of the existing public and private social care centers are focusing on a rather narrow range of beneficiaries (children, seniors with medical problems), while others (such as victims of domestic violence, addictive adults, young people with disabilities etc.) are poorly served, especially outside Cluj-Napoca.
10 rural marginalized communities have been identified by WB in Cluj County, additionally to some urban areas (Pata Rât, Turda etc.) facing complex exclusion problems.